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Answered By: Amanda Peach
Last Updated: Sep 07, 2015     Views: 78

Yes. There are three Reference Librarians that are available for Reference Consultations by Appointment. Their names are Angel Rivera, Ed Poston, and Amanda Peach. To set up an appointment:

1) Click on the link below.

2)To the left you will see "Make An Appointment", below this you will see the names of our Reference Librarians and students who are available for consultation. Click on the name of the librarian, or student, you wish to make an appointment with. If you do not have a preference click "no preference".

3) Next, You should be able to see a small calendar with a list of dates that the person you selected is available for reference consultation. Select a day that would be best for you.

4.) After selecting day, you then should be able to see a list of times the Librarian or student is available. Select a time. 

However, if the librarian or student is full the other reference librarians will be glad to help. Along with our Reference Student workers that have been trained to assist with research projects and several have been working at the Reference Desk for over four semesters.