Unfortunately the E-Ink versions of the Kindle do not support secure communications at this time (although the Kindle Fire does), so you must use the BereaGuest network if you wish to connect wirelessly with an e-ink display Kindle. Below are instructions for both types of Kindle.
E-Ink Models:
- Touch ‘Menu’
- Touch ‘Settings’
- If prompted to turn on wireless touch ‘Ok’
- Select ‘BereaGuest’ from the list
- When prompted, touch “Ok’ to launch the web browser
- Touch “Ok’ to accept and open the browser
- Scroll down and touch the ‘Accept’ button if you agree to the usage rules.
- You are now connected to the wireless network!
Kindle Fire:
- Touch the Quick Settings icon (it looks like a small gear) in the top, right corner of the Home screen.
- Select WiFi
- Make sure that the wireless switch is in the On position.
- Touch BereaSecure or BereaGuest in the list of wireless networks.
- If you chose BereaSecure you will be prompted for some information:
- Leave all the values in the top fields alone and scroll down to the bottom.
- Your network username goes in the ‘Identity’ field.
- Leave the Anonymous ‘Identity’ field blank.
- Your network password goes in the ‘Password’ field.
- Lower the keyboard display and touch the ‘Save’ button to save your credentials and you will be connected to the network!
- If you chose BereaGuest:
- Touch the ‘Ok’ button when you see the summary of this wireless network
- You will see a Sign-in Required prompt, touch ‘Ok’
- There will be a pause while the page loads
- You will get a certificate warning, please touch ‘Ok’
- You will be presented with the usage agreement, if you agree with these terms touch ‘Accept’.
- You are now connected to the Internet!