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Answered By: Amanda Peach
Last Updated: Sep 24, 2015     Views: 111

Cite the reader as you would an anthology (as noted in the St. Martin’s Handbook). Thus, if the essay has an author, the in- text citation, for example, would be: (Burnside 50).

Of course, if the sentence has a signal phrase, it would read: Burnside writes, ...(50).

If no author, list Berea College.

Anthologies: List the authors of the selection or chapter; its title; the title of the book in which the selection or chapter appears; Ed. and the editor (s); the publication information; and the inclusive page numbers of the selection or chapters.


Burnside, Jacqueline. “Black Symbols: Extraordinary Achievements by Ordinary Women.” GSTR 210: Writing Seminar II. Massachusetts: Tapestry Press, 2008. 91-98. Print.