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Answered By: Reference Desk Last Updated: Feb 15, 2021 Views: 156
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To request a display/exhibit space:
You can fill out a request using our online reservation form (found here), or you can contact Angel Rivera (, 859-985-3372, or 859-985-3109. Please note that display and exhibit spaces are available on a first-come basis.
What are the exhibitor's responsibilities?
All materials are displayed at the exhibitor’s own risk. The exhibitor is responsible for providing all materials needed for the installation of the display/exhibit. Exhibitors are responsible for installing and removing displays on the dates agreed upon by the Library and the exhibitor. Assistance with installing, maintaining, and removing displays and exhibits will not be provided by Library staff. The Library will not provide storage for the property of organizations or individuals having exhibits in the library. All displays/exhibits must be set up and removed with as little interference as possible to the daily operations of the Library. Hutchins Library has the right to remove exhibit materials not picked up by the agreed-upon date. Exhibit materials may be disposed of if not claimed within 30 days. The exhibitor must be identified by name within the display. Each exhibitor must provide within their exhibit an informative explanation of the exhibit to assist the general public in discerning the subject or purpose of the exhibit. This information may be provided by explanatory labels on individual items, in poster, sign form, or be contained within the exhibit/display itself. Exhibitors are encouraged to provide a contact phone number as part of the exhibit/display for members of the general public who may wish more information. No fees are charged for exhibit spaces. Groups using exhibit space may not request donations. No prices may be posted on items in an exhibit. Information regarding the purchase of items within the exhibit/display may be included as part of the display. Sales of items may not take place on Library premises. Exhibitors wishing to schedule special receptions for an exhibit must seek permission from the Library administration. Damages to the premises, equipment, or furnishings as a result of exhibitor use will be charged to the individual or group responsible.
How will the Library promote my display/exhibit?
We can take photos of an exhibit that can be shared on social media. We can write a blog post or other statement on the exhibit that can be shared on social media. Hutchins Library uses social media tools, including a blog (, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The Library will also post a notice of the exhibit/display in the library’s event calendar (accessible on the library’s website at and on the Berea College Master Calendar.
What do the display/exhibit spaces look like? What are the dimensions?
The Library has a main wall and two side walls in the center of the main floor. The library also has four flat display cases and two tall display cases. Some monitors may be available for use. See the photos below:
Main Wall Display
88” (7’ 4” ft.) wide by 33” (2’ 3/4 ft) tall approx.
Left Wall Display 1
216” (18’ ft.) wide by 93” (7’ 9” ft.) tall approx.
Right Wall Display 2
216” (18’ ft.) wide by 93” (7’ 9” ft.) tall approx.
Flat Display Case.
59” inches wide by 27” inches long by 6” inches deep approx.
The Library has four display cases.
Tall Display Case.
24” inches by 24” inches by 22” inches tall approx.
The Library has two tall display cases.
The Library has some monitors available to run a virtual display or supplement a material display. They can run an MP4 file.
27” inches tall by 47” inches wide approx.