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Answered By: Amanda Peach
Last Updated: Jul 21, 2014     Views: 64

Scanning articles or book pages is a relatively simple process. If you are using a printer at the Library, there are instruction sheets posted behind the printers or you can seek help from the Circulation or Reference Desks.

For printers elsewhere on campus, follow the instructions below.

1. Place your USB drive in the port at the front of the printer. It is on the left side of the screen.

2. Wait for the printer to recognize the device. This will show up at the bottom of the printer's screen.

3. To the right of the screen there are several buttons, push the one that says scan.

4. On the screen choose scan then choose they type of file you want (PDF, JPEG, etc.).

5. Place the original on the screen and press scan.

6. If you are saving multiple pages, choose "Next Original."

7. When you are finished scanning, press "Job Finish."

8. Wait for the printer to tell you it is safe to remove the thumbdrive.

Some tips:

The printers do not always scan large documents well, so try saving multiple jobs.

Bring your laptop with you or use a computer at the library to check and make sure the document saved onto your thumbdrive. This may save you having to come back to re-scan.

The Library has thumbdrives that can be checked out at the Circulation desk if you need one.